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NHSD participating in Pennsylvania's annual school climate survey

School Climate Survey screenshot
Heather Pelat

The North Hills School District will again be participating in the Pennsylvania School Climate Survey provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

The survey asks questions about school climate and measures four main domains: Social/Emotional Learning, Student Support, High Expectations/Academic Rigor and Challenge, and Safe and Respectful School Climate. It is intended to provide our school with formative and summative climate data for use with districtwide needs assessments, program development, and short and long term improvement planning.

Surveys will be given to students in grades 5, 7 and 10 only beginning the week of Feb. 10 through Feb. 28.

We would like all students to take part in this anonymous survey, but participation is voluntary.

The survey is designed to protect each student’s privacy and will cause little or no risk to any student. Students will not put their names on the survey and no student will ever have their individual responses reported. No action will be taken against the school, you or any student if the student chooses not to participate.

If you do not wish for your child to participate, you must complete the opt-out form linked here and return it to your child's school no later than Feb. 7, 2025. One form must be completed and returned for each child.

More information about the survey is available online at

Parents and guardians who are interested can also take part in the survey.

  • Go to  
  • In the blue box at the top of the page, enter the invitation code NS83R9 and click "Invite Code" to begin the anonymous survey. This survey is available now.

Questions can be directed to your child’s teacher, principal or Director of Student and Community Engagement LaMont Lyons at 412-318-1404.