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Flexible Instructional Day Tuesday & Wednesday, Jan. 21 & 22

Flexible Instructional Day (FID)
Heather Pelat

Due to extremely cold temperatures, both Tuesday, Jan. 21, and Wednesday, Jan. 22, will be Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs) for all students.

Buildings will be open to staff but students should not report to school either day. There will be no transportation including non-public and charter school buses. A.W. Beattie is also holding Flexible Instructional Days on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Buildings will be closed to after school activities Tuesday and Wednesday unless otherwise communicated by the coach or activity sponsor. Wednesday’s Kindergarten Forum will be held as scheduled beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Ross Elementary School.

On a FID, teaching and learning is asynchronous through Google Classroom and does not include live lessons. Teachers work the same hours as a regular school day and can be reached via email or through Class Dojo at the elementary level.

Tomorrow is the first day of the second semester. Students in new semester courses should check their email for a Google Classroom invite to join their new class(es). Please email the teacher directly if you do not receive an invite on Tuesday morning. Teacher email addresses can be found in PowerSchool under the Grades and Attendance tab or from the main dashboard in the PowerSchool app.


On both Tuesday and Wednesday, students must complete this online virtual attendance form to confirm attendance. Students must be logged into their NHSD Google account to access the form. 

Students can navigate to from their district iPad or laptop and click the attendance link. This will ensure students are logged into their NHSD Google account and attendance is accurately recorded. The attendance form must be submitted on both Tuesday and again on Wednesday.

All work and assignments should be completed and submitted as instructed by teachers. Please contact your teacher(s) if you need special accommodations or an extenuating circumstance arises, such as a power outage. All questions should be directed to your child’s teacher(s).